"If I think about the future of cinema as art, I shiver" (Y. Ozu, 1959)


Wednesday, 05 February 2020 22:23

John Mariner


There are some faces that remain themselves for life. Faces beyond the films in which they appeared. Faces that resist the gaze of Roger Corman, Joe Dante, Jonathan Demme, Robert Aldrich, Phil Karlson, Jonathan Kaplan, Steven Spielberg, Samuel Fuller, Martin Scorsese, Robert Zemeckis, James Cameron, Quentin Tarantino. Faces, faces. Faces-faces. Cinema-faces. That’s why Roger Corman, Joe Dante, Jonathan Demme, Robert Aldrich, Phil Karlson, Jonathan Kaplan, Steven Spielberg, Samuel Fuller, Martin Scorsese, Robert Zemeckis, James Cameron, Quentin Tarantino insist on Dick Miller. With his brows wrinkled. The hollowed-out cheeks. His sarcasm. To continue a discourse that, through him, transcends him. To try, even if only the time of an appearance, to approach the invisible speech that knots independently of him. The speech of the face. Of that face. Which inevitably - as it disappears forever - embodies all faces. Like when you return home in the evening after a hard day happy to recognize yourself in those who are waiting for you on the doorway. Faces of clay. Bucket of blood. Afterhours. Companions of a lifetime. Accomplices in crime. In eternal escape at night. Dick Miller.

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